Creating InfluxDB and Kapacitor connections

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

Managing InfluxDB connections

To create an InfluxDB connection:

  1. Open Chronograf and click Configuration (gear icon) in the navigation menu. The Configuration page displays.
  2. Click the Add Source button. The Add a New Source page opens.
  3. Enter values for the following required fields:
  • Connection String: Enter the hostname or IP address of the InfluxDB instance and the port. The field is prefilled with http://localhost:8086.
  • Name: Enter the name for this connection.
  • Username: Enter the username that will be shared for this connection.
  • Password: Enter the password.
  • Telegraf Database: Enter the name of the Telegraf database. The field is prefilled with telegraf.
  • Make this the default source: By default, this option is selected and this InfluxDB connection will be used when Chronograf is launched.
  1. Click the Add Source button. If the connection is valid, the Configuration page displays, including the new InfluxDB connection. If the connection cannot be created, the following error message appears: “Unable to create source: Error contacting source.”
  2. To specify an active Kapacitor connection, you need to create Kapacitor connections associated with this InfluxDB connection.

Note: The Switch Orgs button at the bottom of the page will not save any fields you have filled out, but will open a list of your organizations to allow you to log into a different organization.

To edit an InfluxDB connection:

  1. Open Chronograf and click Configuration (gear icon) in the navigation menu. The Configuration page displays the available InfluxDB connections.
  2. Click the source name that you want to edit and the Edit Source page displays.
  3. Make any changes and click Save Changes. The Configuration page displays.

Managing Kapacitor connections

Kapacitor is the data processing component of the TICK stack. To use Kapacitor in Chronograf, you need to create Kapacitor connections and configure alert endpoints.

To create a Kapacitor connection:

  1. Open Chronograf and click Configuration (gear icon) in the navigation menu. The Configuration page displays.
  2. Click the Add Config button for the InfluxDB connection if there are no existing Kapacitor connections or select Add Kapacitor in the Active Kapacitor dropdown list. The Configure Kapacitor page displays.
  3. In the Connection Details section, enter values for the following required fields:
  • Kapacitor URL: Enter the hostname or IP address of the Kapacitor instance and the port. The field is prefilled with http://localhost:9092.
  • Name: Enter the name for this connection.
  • Username: Enter the username that will be shared for this connection.
  • Password: Enter the password.
  1. Click Connect. If the connection is valid, the message “Kapacitor Created! Configuring endpoints is optional.” appears. To configure alert endpoints, see Configuring alert endpoints.