This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.
Use command line tools like influxd-ctl
and influx
to interact with your
cluster and your data, respectively.
Usage: influxd-ctl [options] <command> [options] [<args>]
The available commands are:
add-data Add a data node
copy-shard Copy a shard between data nodes
copy-shard-status Show all active copy shard tasks
join Join a meta node
kill-copy-shard Abort an in-progress shard copy
leave Remove a meta node
force-leave Forcefully remove a meta node
remove-data Remove a data node
remove-shard Remove a shard from a data node
show Show cluster members
show-shards Shows the shards in a cluster
update-data Update a data node
truncate-shards Truncate current shards
-bind string
Bind HTTP address of a meta node (default "localhost:8091")
-config string
Config file path
Usage of influx:
Display the version and exit.
-host 'host name'
Host to connect to.
-port 'port #'
Port to connect to.
-database 'database name'
Database to connect to the server.
-password 'password'
Password to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password '').
-username 'username'
Username to connect to the server.
Use https for requests.
Set this when connecting to the cluster using https and not use SSL verification.
-execute 'command'
Execute command and quit.
-format 'json|csv|column'
Format specifies the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column.
-precision 'rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns'
Precision specifies the format of the timestamp: rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.
-consistency 'any|one|quorum|all'
Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all
Turns on pretty print for the json format.
Import a previous database export from file
How many points per second the import will allow. By default it is zero and will not throttle importing.
Path to file to import
Set to true if the import file is compressed
Use influx
in a non-interactive mode to query the database metrics
and pretty print json:
$ influx -database 'metrics' -execute 'select * from cpu' -format 'json' -pretty
Connect to a specific database on startup and set database context:
$ influx -database 'metrics' -host 'localhost' -port '8086'