Step 3 - Web Console Installation

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

The next steps will get you up and running with the InfluxEnterprise’s management UI for working with clusters. Please visit Meta Node Installation and Data Node Installation if you have yet to set up your InfluxEnterprise Cluster.

Web Console setup

Please set up the web console after you’ve set up your cluster. Installing the web console before your cluster can cause unexpected behaviors.

Install the InfluxEnterprise Web Console

Install the InfluxEnterprise web console on one of your cluster’s servers or on a separate server.

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)

sudo dpkg -i influx-enterprise_1.1.1_amd64.deb

RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

sudo yum localinstall influx-enterprise-1.1.1.x86_64.rpm


Setup Steps

1. Edit the Configuration File

In /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf, set:

  • the url setting at the top of the file to the node’s full URL, including protocol (http://) and port (:3000)
  • license-key to the license key you received on InfluxPortal, OR
  • license-file to the local path to the JSON license file you received from InfluxData

Note: license-key and license-file are mutually exclusive and one must remain set to the empty string.

  • shared-secret in the [influxdb] section to the same pass phrase that you used in your data node configuration files

    url = "http://<your_server's_IP_address>:3000"
    hostname = "localhost"
    port = "3000"
    license-key = "<your_license_key>" # Mutually exclusive with license-file
    license-file = "/path/to/readable/JSON.license.file" # Mutually exclusive with license-key
    shared-secret = "long pass phrase used for signing tokens"
    host = "localhost"
    port = "25"
    username = ""
    password = ""
    from_email = ""
    # Where is your database?
    # NOTE: This version of Enterprise Web currently only supports Postgres >= 9.3 or SQLite3
    # url = "postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/enterprise" # ENV: DATABASE_URL
    url = "sqlite3:///var/lib/influx-enterprise/enterprise.db"

Note: The web console requires a functioning SMTP server to email invites to new web console users. If you’re working on Ubuntu 14.04 and are looking for an SMTP server to use for development purposes, see the SMTP Server Setup guide for how to get up and running with MailCatcher.

2. Migrate the Configuration File

Run the following command:

sudo -u influx-enterprise influx-enterprise migrate --config /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf

The expected output is:

2016/07/29 15:43:24 Loading config at /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf
[POP] Create /var/lib/influx-enterprise/enterprise.db (/var/lib/influx-enterprise/enterprise.db?cache=shared&mode=rwc)
> 0001_create_users.up.sql
> 0002_create_products.up.sql
> 0003_create_authentications.up.sql
> 0004_create_clusters_view.up.sql
> 0005_add_password.up.sql
> 0006_add_invite_nonce.up.sql
> 0007_drop_token_from_products.up.sql
> 0008_rename_product_id_to_node_id.up.sql
> 0009_create_explorers.up.sql
> 0010_add_name_to_explorers.up.sql
> 0011_add_name_to_products.up.sql     

0.0340 seconds

3. Start the InfluxEnterprise Web Console

On sysvinit systems, enter:

service influx-enterprise start

On systemd systems, enter:

sudo systemctl start influx-enterprise

Verification steps:

Check to see that the process is running by entering:

ps aux | grep -v grep | grep influx-enterprise

You should see output similar to:

influx-+  4557  1.2  7.4 421600 37108 ?        Ssl  17:34   0:00 /usr/bin/influx-enterprise run -c /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf

4. Access the Web Console

You’re all set! Visit http://<your_web_console_server's_IP_address>:3000 to access your InfluxEnterprise web console, and check out the Getting Started document.

Install the InfluxEnterprise Web Console with PostgreSQL

By default, the InfluxEnterprise Web Console uses SQLite for installations. The following steps document how to install the Web Console if you’d prefer to use PostgreSQL.

Install PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Set the password for the system’s local postgres user

Login to PostgreSQL:

sudo -u postgres psql

The expected output is:

-> psql (9.3.12)
-> Type "help" for help.

Set the password, replacing <your_password> with your password:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '<your_password>';

The expected output is:


Exit PostgreSQL:


Setup Steps

1. Edit the Web Console Configuration File

In addition to updating the first url setting, license-key, and shared-secret (see above), in /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf:

* Uncomment the first url setting in the [database] section
* Update the password in that first url setting to the password for the system’s local postgres user
* Comment out the second url setting in the [database] section

# Where is your database?
# NOTE: This version of Enterprise Web currently only supports Postgres >= 9.3 or SQLite3
url = "postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/enterprise" # ENV: DATABASE_URL
# url = "sqlite3:///var/lib/influx-enterprise/enterprise.db"

If you’re using a non-SSL version of Postgres, add the ?sslmode=disable option to the first url setting in the [database] section:

url = "postgres://postgres:<your_password>@localhost:5432/enterprise?sslmode=disable"

2. Migrate the Configuration File

Run the following command and enter your postgres Admin User’s password when prompted:

influx-enterprise migrate --config /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf

The expected output is:

2016/06/15 17:16:15 Loading config at /etc/influx-enterprise/influx-enterprise.conf
> 0001_create_users.up.sql
> 0002_create_products.up.sql
> 0003_create_authentications.up.sql
> 0004_create_clusters_view.up.sql
> 0005_add_password.up.sql
> 0006_add_invite_nonce.up.sql
> 0007_drop_token_from_products.up.sql
> 0008_rename_product_id_to_node_id.up.sql
> 0009_create_explorers.up.sql
> 0010_add_name_to_explorers.up.sql
> 0011_add_name_to_products.up.sql

Now, follow the third step in the previous section to complete the installation.