Upgrading from previous versions

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

Upgrading from version 1.3.x to 1.3.9

Version 1.3.9 is a drop-in replacement for earlier releases of 1.3.x with no data migration required, unless you have been using the TSI (Time Series Index) preview with 1.3.6 or earlier releases.

For users of the TSI (Time Series Index) preview

If you have been using the TSI preview with 1.3.6 or earlier 1.3.x releases, you will need to follow the upgrade steps to continue using the TSI preview. Unfortunately, these steps cannot be executed while the cluster is operating – so it will result in downtime.

  1. Stop the meta and data node processes.
  2. Download and update bits to 1.3.9.
  3. Delete all /index directories contained with the data nodes (default configuration is [data] dir = /var/lib/influxdb/data).
  4. Rebuild the TSI indexes using the influx_inspect utility with the new inmem2tsi parameter. More documentation describing this new parameter with influx_inspect can be found here.
  5. Restart meta nodes.
  6. Restart data nodes.

The 1.3.7 release resolved a defect that created duplicate tag values in TSI indexes. See Issues #8995, and #8998. However, upgrading to 1.3.7 with the TSI preview on will cause compactions to fail – see Issue #9025.

If you are using the TSI preview, you should not upgrade to 1.3.7 from any other 1.3.x release. Instead, upgrade to 1.3.9 and execute the index rebuild process as described above using influx_inspect utility with the new inmem2tsi parameter.

Upgrading from version 1.2.5 to 1.3.x

Version 1.3.x introduces changes to the data node configuration file and changes to the underlying communication protocols between the nodes used for hinted handoff.

The impact of the hinted handoff protocol change means that you will be unable to perform a downgrade if there are points contained within the hinted handoff queue of the upgraded nodes. There are recommendations below describing how to avoid building up hinted handoff queue points while upgrading.

Please update that configuration file to avoid any unnecessary downtime. The steps below outline the upgrade process and include a list of the required configuration changes.

Step 0: Back up your cluster before upgrading to version 1.3.

It is recommended that you create a full backup of your cluster before executing the upgrade. If you already have incremental backups created as part of your standard operating procedures, make sure that you trigger a final incremental backup before proceeding with the upgrade.

NOTE: Ensure you have sufficient disk space before triggering the backup!

The following command uses the version 1.2 backup syntax to create an incremental backup of your cluster and stores that backup in the current directory.

influxd-ctl backup .

Otherwise, create a full backup before proceeding. The following command uses the backup syntax originally introduced in version 1.2 to create a full backup of your cluster and to store that backup in the current directory.

influxd-ctl backup -full .

Upgrade the meta nodes first, ensuring that the meta cluster is healthy, before proceeding to the data nodes.

Repeat the following steps for each meta node in the cluster

Step 1: Download the 1.3.8 meta node packages

Meta node package download

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/enterprise/releases/influxdb-meta_1.3.8-c1.3.8_amd64.deb

RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/enterprise/releases/influxdb-meta-1.3.8_c1.3.8.x86_64.rpm

Step 2: Install the 1.3.8 meta nodes packages

Meta node package install

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)

sudo dpkg -i influxdb-meta_1.3.8-c1.3.8_amd64.deb

RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

sudo yum localinstall influxdb-meta-1.3.8_c1.3.8.x86_64.rpm

Step 3: Restart the influxdb-meta process

Meta node restart

sysvinit systems

service influxdb-meta restart

systemd systems

sudo systemctl restart influxdb-meta

Step 4: Confirm the upgrade

After performing the upgrade on ALL meta nodes, check your node version numbers using the influxd-ctl show command. The influxd-ctl tool is available on all meta nodes.

~# influxd-ctl show

Data Nodes
ID	TCP Address		Version
4	rk-upgrading-01:8088	1.2.x_c1.2.y
5	rk-upgrading-02:8088	1.2.x_c1.2.y
6	rk-upgrading-03:8088	1.2.x_c1.2.y

Meta Nodes
TCP Address		Version
rk-upgrading-01:8091	1.3.8_c1.3.8   # 1.3.8_c1.3.8 = 👍
rk-upgrading-02:8091	1.3.8_c1.3.8
rk-upgrading-03:8091	1.3.8_c1.3.8

Repeat the following steps for each data node in the cluster

Step 1: Download the 1.3.8 data node packages

Data node package download

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/enterprise/releases/influxdb-data_1.3.8-c1.3.8_amd64.deb

RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/enterprise/releases/influxdb-data-1.3.8_c1.3.8.x86_64.rpm

Step 2: Remove the data node from the load balancer

In order to avoid downtime and allow for a smooth transition, remove the data node that you plan to upgrade from your load balancer prior to performing the remaining steps.

Step 3: Install the 1.3.8 data node packages

Data node package install

When you run the install command, your terminal asks if you want to keep your current configuration file or overwrite your current configuration file with the file for version 1.3.8.

Please keep your current configuration file by entering N or O; we update the configuration file with the necessary changes for version 1.3.8 in step 3.

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)

sudo dpkg -i influxdb-data_1.3.8-c1.3.8_amd64.deb

RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

sudo yum localinstall influxdb-data-1.3.8_c1.3.8.x86_64.rpm

Step 4: Update the data node configuration file



  • the max-remote-write-connections from the [cluster] section
  • the [admin] section


The new configuration options are set to the default settings. Follow the links for more information about those options.

Step 5: Restart the influxdb process

NOTE: As part of the changes associated with InfluxDB Enterprise 1.3, the hinted handoff queue is now segmented by node and shard. See Release Notes/Change Log. As a result, when you restart data nodes, you will see log messages indicating that there is a “protocol” issue writing points from the hinted handoff queue between 1.2 and 1.3 nodes. These will resolve themselves after all of the data nodes have been upgraded.

As a result of this change, if you need to downgrade to 1.2 for any reason, you must halt inbound writes while you downgrade the data nodes because the hinted handoff segmentation is not compatible from 1.3 to 1.2. You can stop write traffic at the load balancer by removing ALL data nodes temporarily while you downgrade the binaries and configuration files. See step 2 above.

Data node restart

sysvinit systems

service influxdb restart

systemd systems

sudo systemctl restart influxdb

Step 6: Add the data node back into the load balancer

Re-add the data node back into the load balancer to allow it to serve reads and writes. If this is the last data node to be upgraded, proceed to step 7.

Otherwise, return to step 1 for the data nodes and repeat the process for the remaining data nodes.

Step 7: Confirm the upgrade

Check your node version numbers using the influxd-ctl show command. The influxd-ctl tool is available on all meta nodes.

~# influxd-ctl show

Data Nodes
ID	TCP Address		Version
4	rk-upgrading-01:8088	1.3.8_c1.3.8   # 1.3.8_c1.3.8 = 👍
5	rk-upgrading-02:8088	1.3.8_c1.3.8
6	rk-upgrading-03:8088	1.3.8_c1.3.8

Meta Nodes
TCP Address		Version
rk-upgrading-01:8091	1.3.8_c1.3.8
rk-upgrading-02:8091	1.3.8_c1.3.8
rk-upgrading-03:8091	1.3.8_c1.3.8

If you have any issues upgrading your cluster, please do not hesitate to contact support at the email address provided to you when you received your InfluxDB Enterprise license.