Managing security in Kapacitor Enterprise

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.


Kapacitor Enterprise security means configuring a Kapacitor cluster to work with an already secured InfluxDB Enterprise cluster as well as enabling security features implemented by Kapacitor handlers and services. These including using TLS on public API endpoints and enabling authentication and authorization, which is covered in depth in Authentication and authorization.

Integration with secure InfluxDB

A secure Influx Enterprise installation is one which has at a minimum TLS enabled on publicly exposed APIs. These include the user and other APIs of the InfluxDB meta nodes. It may also include enabling authentication to these nodes.

Setting up security in InfluxDB Enterprise is covered in Managing security in InfluxDB Enterprise.

Securing InfluxDB meta nodes

Since the InfluxDB meta node is used as the backend user and privilege store of the TICK stack, it is particularly important when securing Kapacitor with authentication and authorization. Kapacitor will need to connect to InfluxDB meta nodes when verifying security credentials.

Properties relating to the InfluxDB meta node configuration are located in the [auth] group of the configuration schema.

Example: Authentication configuration group

  # Configure authentication service.
  # User permissions cache expiration time.
  cache-expiration = "10m"
  # Cost to compute bcrypt password hashes.
  # bcrypt rounds = 2^cost
  bcrypt-cost = 10
  # Address of a meta server.
  # If empty then meta is not used as a user backend.
  # host:port
  meta-addr = "cluster_node_1:8091"
  meta-use-tls = true
  # Absolute path to PEM encoded Certificate Authority (CA) file.
  # A CA can be provided without a key/certificate pair.
  meta-ca = "/etc/kapacitor/ca.pem"
  # Absolute paths to PEM encoded private key and server certificate files.
  meta-cert = "/etc/kapacitor/cert.pem"
  meta-key = "/etc/kapacitor/key.pem"
  meta-insecure-skip-verify = false

Details on the following properties:

  • cache-expiration: Length of time credentials should be held in the Kapacitor local cache.
  • bcrypt-cost: Number of iterations used when hashing the password using the bcrypt algorithm.
  • meta-addr: Address to the InfluxDB meta node API endpoint. Note that if this endpoint is secured using TLS, then the host and domain name portion of this string must match the string specified in the CN field of the certificate. Otherwise, Kapacitor will reject the certificate, terminate the credential verification transaction, and return 401 to all requests.
  • meta-use-tls: Sets up Kapacitor to connect to the InfluxDB Enterprise meta node using TLS/HTTPS.
  • meta-ca: Path to the certificate authority file for the InfluxDB Enterprise meta node.
  • meta-cert: Path to the PEM encoded certificate file.
  • meta-key: Path to the PEM encoded certificate private key.
  • meta-insecure-skip-verify: Default is false. Set to true to use TLS but skip chain and host verification. Must be true if using a self-signed certificate.

More detailed information is available in Authentication and authorization.

Securing InfluxDB data nodes

InfluxDB Enterprise data nodes can be secured with TLS and authentication.

TLS enabled**

Integrating Kapacitor to a TLS-enabled InfluxDB data cluster requires the following properties in the [[influxdb]] group.

  • urls: Strings in the urls property need to include the https protocol.
  • One of the following
    • The following pair
      • ssl-cert: Path to the public certificate used by the endpoint.
      • ssl-key: Path to the public key used by the endpoint.
    • ssl-ca: Path to the PEM record of the certificate authority.
Example: InfluxDB group, enabling TLS connection**
  # Connect to an InfluxDB cluster
  # Kapacitor can subscribe, query, and write to this cluster.
  # Using InfluxDB is not required and can be disabled.
  enabled = true
  default = true
  name = "local-cluster"
  urls = ["https://cluster_node_1:8086", "https://cluster_node_2:8086", "https://cluster_node_3:8086" ]
  # Absolute path to pem encoded CA file.
  # A CA can be provided without a key/cert pair
  #   ssl-ca = "/etc/kapacitor/ca.pem"
  # Absolutes paths to pem encoded key and cert files.
     ssl-cert = "/etc/ssl/cluster_node_1.crt"
     ssl-key = "/etc/ssl/cluster_node_1.key.pem"

Authentication protected

To connect to a cluster protected by authentication, provide the following parameters:

  • username: Name of InfluxDB user with admin privileges.
  • password: Password of the user.
Example: InfluxDB group, enabling authentication
# Multiple InfluxDB configurations can be defined.
# Exactly one must be marked as the default.
# Each one will be given a name and can be referenced in batch queries and InfluxDBOut nodes.
  # Connect to an InfluxDB cluster
  # Kapacitor can subscribe, query and write to this cluster.
  # Using InfluxDB is not required and can be disabled.
  enabled = true
  default = true
  username = "admin"
  password = "changeit"

Securing Kapacitor Enterprise

Kapacitor Enterprise listens for communications on three different ports.

  • 9090: Default port for the gossip protocol used in establishing and maintaining the cluster.
  • 9091: Default RPC port for the node.
  • 9092: API port of the node.

Each of these default values can be modified in the configuration file.

By default, the gossip and RPC ports communicate using plain text.
These communications occur behind a firewall and these ports will not be publicly exposed. They can be secured, if needed. Contact InfluxData support if this is a requirement.

The API port may need to be exposed for client applications. It features the same TLS security measures as Kapacitor OSS and also features an authentication and authorization handler. For more information, see Authentication and authorization.

Kapacitor Enterprise over TLS

This feature can be enabled in the [http] group of the configuration. Activation requires simply setting the property https-enabled to true and then providing a path to a certificate with the property https-certificate.

The following example shows how this is done in the kapacitor.conf file.

Example: Enabling TLS for Kapacitor Enterprise

  # HTTP API Server for Kapacitor
  # This server is always on,
  # it serves both as a write endpoint
  # and as the API endpoint for all other
  # Kapacitor calls.
  bind-address = ":9092"
  auth-enabled = true
  log-enabled = true
  write-tracing = false
  pprof-enabled = false
  https-enabled = true
  https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/cluster_node_1.key.crt.pem"
  shared-secret = ""

Note that the PEM format certificate defined by the property https-certificate needs to contain the root key and certificate as shown in Example 5.

Example: Combined key and certificate PEM file


In addition the [[influxdb]] section needs to have its property subscription-protocol updated to https, otherwise subscription data will be sent using the wrong prootocol.

Example: Subscription protocol in InfluxDB

  # Connect to an InfluxDB cluster
  # Kapacitor can subscribe, query and write to this cluster.
  # Using InfluxDB is not required and can be disabled.
  enabled = true
  default = true
  # Which protocol to use for subscriptions
  # one of 'udp', 'http', or 'https'.
  subscription-protocol = "https"

Kapacitor command-line client with HTTPS

Once HTTPS has been enabled, the Kapacitor command line client will need to be supplied the -url argument in order to connect. If a self-signed or other certificate is used, which has not been added to the system certificate store, an additional argument -skipVerify will also need to be provided.

Example: Connecting the Kapacitor client with TLS enabled
$ kapacitor -url https://localhost:9092 -skipVerify list tasks
ID                                                 Type      Status    Executing Databases and Retention Policies
chronograf-v1-3586109e-8b7d-437a-80eb-a9c50d00ad53 stream    enabled   true      ["telegraf"."autogen"]

To avoid having to enter the URL string every time Kapacitor is invoked, the value can be stored as the environment variable KAPACITOR_URL.

Example: Using the environment variable KAPACITOR_URL
$ export KAPACITOR_URL=https://localhost:9092
$ kapacitor -skipVerify list tasks
ID                                                 Type      Status    Executing Databases and Retention Policies
172-31-16-108-cpu-alert                            stream    enabled   true      ["telegraf"."autogen"]
chronograf-v1-9199dfc1-90d3-4a22-a34b-93577057daa3 stream    disabled  false     ["telegraf"."autogen"]

Kapacitor Enterprise with authentication

Steps for configuring authentication for Kapacitor Enterprise are presented in Authentication and authorization.