Cluster Node Configuration

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

Note: Clustering is now a commerial product called InfluxEnterprise. More information can be found here.

The following sections describe the different node types in an InfluxDB cluster and show how to configure them.

General node configuration

Each node’s configuration file must specify:

  • A bind-address in the [meta] section. This is the address for cluster wide communication.
  • An http-bind-address in the [meta] section. This is the address for consensus service communication.
  • A bind-address in the [http] section. This is the address for the HTTP API.

Each configuration option should indicate the node’s IP address or hostname followed by the port (see the next sections for examples).

NOTE: The hostnames for each machine must be resolvable by all members of the cluster.

Consensus node

Consensus nodes run only the consensus service. The consensus service ensures consistency across the cluster for node membership, databases, retention policies, users, continuous queries, shard metadata, and subscriptions.


  enabled = true 
  bind-address = "<IP>:8088"
  http-bind-address = "<IP>:8091"


  enabled = false 

  bind-address = "<IP>:8086"

Data node

Data nodes run only the data service. The data service stores the actual time series data and responds to queries about those data.


  enabled = false 
  bind-address = "<IP>:8088"
  http-bind-address = "<IP>:8091"


  enabled = true 

  bind-address = "<IP>:8086"

Hybrid node

Hybrid nodes run both the consensus and data services.


  enabled = true 
  bind-address = "<IP>:8088"
  http-bind-address = "<IP>:8091"


  enabled = true 

  bind-address = "<IP>:8086"