Differences Between InfluxDB 0.12 and 0.11

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

This page aims to ease the transition from InfluxDB 0.11 to InfluxDB 0.12. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of the differences between the versions. See InfluxDB’s Changelog for detailed release notes.


New query management features

InfluxDB 0.12 offers new features for query management. Users are able to identify currently-running queries and have the ability to kill queries that are overloading their system. Additionally, users can prevent and halt the execution of inefficient queries with several new configuration settings.

See the new Query Management page for more information.

New functions

InfluxDB 0.12 provides two new InfluxQL functions:

  • DIFFERENCE() returns the difference between consecutive chronological field values.
  • MOVING_AVERAGE() returns the moving average across a window of consecutive chronological field values.

Configurable shard group duration

In InfluxDB 0.11, shard group durations depend on the DURATION of a retention policy. In InfluxDB 0.12, users are able to specify shard group durations using InfluxQL. This can be useful for relieving memory pressure; users can split data into smaller shard groups for retention policies with long DURATIONs.

See the documentation on CREATE RETENTION POLICY, ALTER RETENTION POLICY, and CREATE DATABASE for more information.

New high availability tool

InfluxDB 0.12 introduces Relay. Relay adds a basic high availability layer to InfluxDB. With the right architecture and disaster recovery processes, it achieves a highly available setup.

See Relay for more information.

Clustering updates

InfluxDB 0.11 was the last open source version that included clustering.

For more information, please see Paul Dix’s blog post on InfluxDB Clustering, High-Availability, and Monetization.