API Endpoints & Ports

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.


All current API Endpoints are listed below.


The ping endpoint accepts both GET and HEAD HTTP requests. The response body is empty. The version of the InfluxDB server you issued the request to can be extracted through the X-Influxdb-Version field of the header. For example this is the response from a server running 0.9.5-nightly-548b898 of InfluxDB:

$ curl -sl -I localhost:8086/ping

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Request-Id: 78addfb1-5335-11e5-87f5-000000000000
X-Influxdb-Version: 0.9.5-nightly-548b898
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:29:02 GMT

In InfluxDB versions 0.9.5+ the /ping endpoint can also accept an optional query param, wait_for_leader=Ns where N is the number of seconds to wait before returning a response. This will check with the leader of the cluster to ensure that the leader is available and ready. One second is a good default, but for highly distributed clusters or clusters under significant load it may lead to false negatives. Increasing the timeout gives the raft leader longer to respond. The request will return 204 if successful and 503 in the case of a timeout.

$ curl -sl -I localhost:8086/ping?wait_for_leader=1s

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Request-Id: 78addfb1-5335-11e5-87f5-000000000000
X-Influxdb-Version: 0.9.5-nightly-548b898
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:29:35 GMT


For more information on the /query endpoint see the Querying Data section of our docs.


For more information on the /write endpoint see the Writing Data section of our docs.



By default the InfluxDB HTTP API listens on port 8086. The /ping, /write, and /query endpoints are all part of the HTTP API.

Internal Communication port

By default the communication between instances of InfluxDB in a cluster happens on port 8088.

Admin interface port

The admin interface for InfluxDB runs on port 8083 and exposes web UI for the server.

Secondary Ports

InfluxDB also supports communication through UDP, Graphite, Collectd, and OpenTSDB. By default InfluxDB makes port 2003 available for Graphite. No default ports are assigned for UDP, Collectd, or OpenTSDB.