System Monitoring

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

To assist with troubleshooting and performance analysis InfluxDB makes available statistical and diagnostic information about the system. For additional information see the README on GitHub.

See statistics for your installation with SHOW STATS

Show a series of statistics related to your InfluxDB instance


CLI response:

name: engine
tags: path=/Users/johnzampolin/.influxdb/data/telegraf/default/65, version=bz1
blks_write	blks_write_bytes	blks_write_bytes_c	points_write	points_write_dedupe
----------	----------------	------------------	------------	-------------------
227422		4781938			6382683			227422		227422

name: httpd
tags: bind=:8086
points_written_ok	query_req	query_resp_bytes	req	write_req	write_req_bytes
-----------------	---------	----------------	---	---------	---------------
227684			30		5027			899	869		15178945

name: shard
tags: engine=bz1, id=65, path=/Users/johnzampolin/.influxdb/data/telegraf/default/65
fields_create	series_create	write_points_ok	write_req
-------------	-------------	---------------	---------
0		268		227684		869

name: wal
tags: path=/Users/johnzampolin/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/66
auto_flush	meta_flush
----------	----------
8671		    14

name: wal
tags: path=/Users/johnzampolin/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/67
auto_flush	flush_duration		idle_flush	mem_size	meta_flush	points_flush	points_write	points_write_req	series_flush
----------	--------------		----------	--------	----------	------------	------------	----------------	------------
8659		2.966561441000001	868		934		14		17356		17376		869			17356

name: write
point_req	point_req_local	req	write_ok
245060		245060		1738	1738

name: runtime
Alloc		Frees		HeapAlloc	HeapIdle	HeapInUse	HeapObjects	HeapReleased	HeapSys		Lookups	Mallocs		NumGC	NumGoroutine	PauseTotalNs	Sys		TotalAlloc
96657936	19481852	96657936	47718400	108355584	898912		2121728		156073984	7262	20380764	95	50		54495600	168606776	5823932752

Note: Depending on your local configuration there may be multiple name: engine, name: shard, and name: wal fields

Show diagnostic information about your installation with SHOW DIAGNOSTICS

Retrieve a collection of diagnostic information helpful for troubleshooting.


CLI response:

name: build
Branch   Commit				            	  	               Version
0.9.4	   c4f85f84765e27bfb5e58630d0dea38adeacf543

name: runtime
amd64	 8		          darwin	   go1.5.1

name: network

name: system
PID	  currentTime		                  started  			         	         uptime
30780	2015-10-16T21:53:42.118130213Z	2015-10-16T19:28:58.069413146Z	2h24m44.048717342s