Differences Between InfluxDB 1.0 and 0.13

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

This page aims to ease the transition from InfluxDB 0.13 to InfluxDB 1.0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of the differences between the versions. See InfluxDB’s Changelog for detailed release notes.


Breaking Changes

  • max-series-per-database was added with a default of 1M but can be disabled by setting it to 0. Existing databases with series that exceed this limit will continue to load but writes that would create new series will fail.
  • Config section [cluster] has been replaced with [coordinator]
  • Config sections [collectd] and [opentsdb] have been renamed [[collectd]] and [[opentsdb]].
  • Config option data-logging-enabled in [data] has been renamed to trace-logging-enabled and defaults to false.
  • The keywords IF, EXISTS, and NOT where removed for this release. This means you no longer can or need to specify IF EXISTS for DROP DATABASE or IF NOT EXISTS for CREATE DATABASE. If these are specified, a query parse error is returned.
  • The SHOW STATS Shard stat writePointsFail has been renamed to writePointsErr for consistency with other stats.

SHOW FIELD KEYS returns fields’ data types

Starting with InfluxDB version 1.0, the SHOW FIELD KEYS query also returns the field’s data type.

Example query:

> SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM all_the_types

Version 0.13 output:                                    Version 1.0 output:

name: all_the_types                  name: all_the_types
-------------------                  -------------------
fieldKey                             fieldKey  fieldType
blue                                 blue      string
green                                green     boolean
orange                               orange    integer
yellow                               yellow    float

See Schema Exploration for further documentation.

Modified name for the auto-generated retention policy

Starting with version 1.0, the auto-generated retention policy on a new database will be named autogen rather than default.

New InfluxQL syntax introduces casting and differentiating between identical field and tag keys

In versions prior to 1.0, users were unable to query data that had matching tag keys and field keys. The new <identifier>::<field,tag> syntax allows users to differentiate between tag keys and field keys with the same name. See Data Exploration for an example query.

The :: syntax also offers new casting functionality; users can cast field values from integers to floats or from floats to integers. Check out Data Exploration for more information.

InfluxQL function Updates

Using a wildcard with aggregation functions

InfluxDB 1.0 supports using a wildcard (*) with aggregation functions to specify all fields in the targeted measurement.


name: web
time   count_click   count_ratings   count_user
0      37            9               17

See Functions for more examples.

New functions

InfluxDB 1.0 offers a new InfluxQL predictor function. HOLT_WINTERS() returns a user-specified number of predicted values for a single field using the Holt-Winters seasonal method.

See Functions for an explanation of the HOLT_WINTERS() syntax and an example query.

Mode has also been added. See Functions for an explanation of the MODE() syntax and an example query.

InfluxDB logging change

Starting with version 1.0, InfluxDB on systemd systems will no longer write files to /var/log/influxdb by default, and will now use the system configured default for logging (usually journald). On most systems, the logs will be directed to the systemd journal and can be accessed with the command:

sudo journalctl -u influxdb.service

Please consult the systemd journald documentation for configuring journald.

See Logs for more information.

JWT Token Authentication

JWT Token Authentication support has been added to the query api. See Set Up Authentication

Influx Inspect Export

The influx inspect tool now supports the ability to export data directly from a shard. See Influx Inspect for more information.