Upgrading to Kapacitor v0.11

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

There are two breaking changes from v0.10 that may require some work to upgrade from a v0.10 instance. These changes are:

Multiple InfluxDB Clusters

Now that Kapacitor supports connecting to multiple InfluxDB clusters, the configuration has changed slightly. To upgrade your configuration to work with v0.11, you will need to update the [influxdb] section of your configuration from:

  enabled = true


  enabled = true
  default = true
  name = "localhost"

With the new configuration, you can now alert on data from multiple clusters. By giving each cluster a name in your configuration, you can now specify which cluster to use when performing a batch query or writing results to InfluxDB by using the .cluster method.

Please see BatchNode.Cluster and InfluxDBOut.Cluster for more information.

New InfluxQL Syntax

The .mapReduce method has been deprecated, and replaced by a simpler syntax. As an example, using the current syntax:


Has been updated to:


This new syntax no longer exposes the map/reduce concept directly to the user, which makes the function calls simpler and improves overall readability.

Note: The old syntax will continue to work for all v0.11 versions of Kapacitor but will be removed starting with v0.12.

Email, Slack, HipChat Global/StateChangesOnly

In previous releases, setting smtp, slack, or hipchat globally in the configuration would also set stateChangesOnly globally. This coupling caused significant confusion, as the behavior of alerts and TICKscripts would change as a result of enabling/disabling a handler. With v0.11, there is the state-changes-only setting, which explicitly enables/disables the stateChangesOnly attribute for globally configured alerts. For example:

    enabled = true
    global = true
    state-changes-only = false

With this change you can now control whether you want to receive alerts for all events or just state changes, regardless of a globally configured alert handler.

Note: To preserve the legacy behavior, add a state-changes-only = true option to any of the handlers that have been configured globally.