HTTP API Reference

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

Kapacitor API Reference Documentation

General Information

Kapacitor provides an HTTP API on port 9092 by default. With the API you can control which tasks are executing, query status of tasks and manage recordings etc.

Each section below defines the available API endpoints and there inputs and outputs.

All requests are versioned and namespaced using the base path /kapacitor/v1/.

Response Codes

All requests can return these response codes:

HTTP Response CodeMeaning
2xxThe request was a success, content is dependent on the request.
4xxInvalid request, refer to error for what it wrong with the request. Repeating the request will continue to return the same error.
5xxThe server was unable to process the request, refer to the error for a reason. Repeating the request may result in a success if the server issue has been resolved.


All requests can return JSON in the following format to provide more information about a failed request.

    "error" : "error message"

Query Parameters vs JSON body

To make using this API a consistent and easy experience we follow one simple rule for when extra information about a request is found in the query parameters of the URL or when they are part of the submitted JSON body.

Query parameters are used only for GET requests and all other requests expect parameters to be specified in the JSON body.

NOTE: The /kapacitor/v1/write endpoint is the one exception to this rule since Kapacitor is compatible with the InfluxDB /write endpoint.

When creating resources in Kapacitor the API server will return a link object with an href of the resource. Clients should not need to perform path manipulation in most cases and can use the links provided from previous calls.

Writing Data

Kapacitor can accept writes over HTTP using the line protocol. This endpoint is identical in nature to the InfluxDB write endpoint.

Query ParameterPurpose
dbDatabase name for the writes.
rpRetention policy name for the writes.

NOTE: Kapacitor scopes all points by their database and retention policy. This means you MUST specify the rp for writes or Kapacitor will not know which retention policy to use.


Write data to Kapacitor.

POST /kapacitor/v1/write?db=DB_NAME&rp=RP_NAME
cpu, value=87.6

For compatibility with the equivalent InfluxDB write endpoint the /write endpoint is maintained as an alias to the /kapacitor/v1/write endpoint.

POST /write?db=DB_NAME&rp=RP_NAME
cpu, value=87.6


A task represents work for Kapacitor to perform. A task is defined by its id, type, TICKscript, and list of database retention policy pairs it is allowed to access.

Define Task

To define a task POST to the /kapacitor/v1/tasks/ endpoint. If a task already exists then use the PATCH method to modify any property of the task.

Define a task using a JSON object with the following options:

idUnique identifier for the task. If empty a random ID will be chosen.
typeThe task type: stream or batch.
dbrpsList of database retention policy pairs the task is allowed to access.
scriptThe content of the script.
statusOne of enabled or disabled.

When using PATCH, if any option is missing it will be left unmodified.


Create a new task with ID TASK_ID.

POST /kapacitor/v1/tasks/
    "id" : "TASK_ID",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps": [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
    "script": "stream\n    |from()\n        .measurement('cpu')\n"

Response with task id and link.

    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"},
    "id" : "TASK_ID",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
    "script" : "stream\n    |from()\n        .measurement('cpu')\n",
    "dot" : "digraph TASK_ID { ... }",
    "status" : "enabled",
    "executing" : true,
    "error" : "",
    "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "modified": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "stats" : {}

Modify only the dbrps of the task.

PATCH /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID
    "dbrps": [{"db": "NEW_DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "NEW_RP_NAME"}]

NOTE: Setting any DBRP will overwrite all stored DBRPs.

Enable an existing task.

PATCH /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID
    "status" : "enabled",

Disable an existing task.

PATCH /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID
    "status" : "disabled",

Define a new task that is enabled on creation.

POST /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
    "script" : "stream\n    |from()\n        .measurement('cpu')\n",
    "status" : "enabled"

Response with task id and link.

    "id" : "TASK_ID",
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"}


200Task created, contains task information.
204Task updated, no content
404Task does not exist

Get Task

To get information about a task make a GET request to the /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID endpoint.

Query ParameterDefaultPurpose
dot-viewattributesOne of labels or attributes. Labels is less readable but will correctly render with all the information contained in labels.
script-formatformattedOne of formatted or raw. Raw will return the script identical to how it was defined. Formatted will first format the script.

A task has these read only properties in addition to the properties listed above.

dotGraphViz DOT syntax formatted representation of the task DAG.
executingWhether the task is currently executing.
errorAny error encountered when executing the task.
statsMap of statistics about a task.
createdDate the task was first created
modifiedDate the task was last modified
last-enabledDate the task was last set to status enabled


Get information about a task using defaults.

GET /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"},
    "id" : "TASK_ID",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
    "script" : "stream\n    |from()\n        .measurement('cpu')\n",
    "dot" : "digraph TASK_ID { ... }",
    "status" : "enabled",
    "executing" : true,
    "error" : "",
    "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "modified": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "last-enabled": "2006-01-03T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "stats" : {}

Get information about a task using only labels in the DOT content and skip the format step.

GET /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID?dot-view=labels&script-format=raw
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"},
    "id" : "TASK_ID",
    "type" : "stream",
    "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
    "script" : "stream|from().measurement('cpu')",
    "dot" : "digraph TASK_ID { ... }",
    "status" : "enabled",
    "executing" : true,
    "error" : "",
    "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "modified": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "last-enabled": "2006-01-03T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "stats" : {}


404Task does not exist

Delete Task

To delete a task make a DELETE request to the /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID endpoint.

DELETE /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID



NOTE: Deleting a non-existent task is not an error and will return a 204 success.

List Tasks

To get information about several tasks make a GET request to the /kapacitor/v1/tasks endpoint.

Query ParameterDefaultPurpose
patternFilter results based on the pattern. Uses standard shell glob matching, see this for more details.
fieldsList of fields to return. If empty returns all fields. Fields id and link are always returned.
dot-viewattributesOne of labels or attributes. Labels is less readable but will correctly render with all the information contained in labels.
script-formatformattedOne of formatted or raw. Raw will return the script identical to how it was defined. Formatted will first format the script.
offset0Offset count for paginating through tasks.
limit100Maximum number of tasks to return.


Get all tasks.

GET /kapacitor/v1/tasks
    "tasks" : [
            "link" : {"rel":"self", "href":"/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"},
            "id" : "TASK_ID",
            "type" : "stream",
            "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
            "script" : "stream|from().measurement('cpu')",
            "dot" : "digraph TASK_ID { ... }",
            "status" : "enabled",
            "executing" : true,
            "error" : "",
            "stats" : {}
            "link" : {"rel":"self", "href":"/kapacitor/v1/tasks/ANOTHER_TASK_ID"},
            "id" : "ANOTHER_TASK_ID",
            "type" : "stream",
            "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
            "script" : "stream|from().measurement('cpu')",
            "dot" : "digraph ANOTHER_TASK_ID{ ... }",
            "status" : "disabled",
            "executing" : true,
            "error" : "",
            "stats" : {}

Optionally specify a glob pattern to list only matching tasks.

GET /kapacitor/v1/task?pattern=TASK*
    "tasks" : [
            "link" : {"rel":"self", "href":"/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"},
            "id" : "TASK_ID",
            "type" : "stream",
            "dbrps" : [{"db": "DATABASE_NAME", "rp" : "RP_NAME"}],
            "script" : "stream|from().measurement('cpu')",
            "dot" : "digraph TASK_ID { ... }",
            "status" : "enabled:,
            "executing" : true,
            "error" : "",
            "stats" : {}

Get all tasks, but only the status, executing and error fields.

GET /kapacitor/v1/tasks?fields=status&fields=executing&fields=error
    "tasks" : [
            "link" : {"rel":"self", "href":"/kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID"},
            "id" : "TASK_ID",
            "status" : "enabled",
            "executing" : true,
            "error" : "",
            "link" : {"rel":"self", "href":"/kapacitor/v1/tasks/ANOTHER_TASK_ID"},
            "id" : "ANOTHER_TASK_ID",
            "status" : "disabled",
            "executing" : true,
            "error" : "",



NOTE: If the pattern does not match any tasks an empty list will be returned, with a 200 success.

Custom Task HTTP Endpoints

In TICKscript it is possible to expose a cache of recent data via the HTTPOut node. The data is available at the path /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID/ENDPOINT_NAME.


For the TICKscript:

GET /kapacitor/v1/tasks/TASK_ID/mycustom_endpoint
    "series": [
            "name": "cpu",
            "columns": [
            "values": [

The output is the same as a query for data to InfluxDB.


Kapacitor can save recordings of data and replay them against a specified task.

Start Recording

There are three methods for recording data with Kapacitor: To create a recording make a POST request to the /kapacitor/v1/recordings/METHOD endpoint.

streamRecord the incoming stream of data.
batchRecord the results of the queries in a batch task.
queryRecord the result of an explicit query.

The request returns once the recording is started and does not wait for it to finish. A recording ID is returned to later identify the recording.

idUnique identifier for the recording. If empty a random one will be chosen.
taskID of a task, used to only record data for the DBRPs of the task.
stopRecord stream data until stop date.
idUnique identifier for the recording. If empty a random one will be chosen.
taskID of a task, records the results of the queries defined in the task.
startEarliest date for which data will be recorded. RFC3339Nano formatted.
stopLatest date for which data will be recorded. If not specified uses the current time. RFC3339Nano formatted data.
clusterName of a configured InfluxDB cluster. If empty uses the default cluster.
idUnique identifier for the recording. If empty a random one will be chosen.
typeType of recording, stream or batch.
queryQuery to execute.
clusterName of a configured InfluxDB cluster. If empty uses the default cluster.

NOTE: A recording itself is typed as either a stream or batch recording and can only be replayed to a task of a corresponding type. Therefore when you record the result of a raw query you must specify the type recording you wish to create.


Create a recording using the stream method

POST /kapacitor/v1/recordings/stream
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "stop" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

Create a recording using the batch method specifying a start time.

POST /kapacitor/v1/recordings/batch
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "start" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

Create a recording using the query method specifying a stream type.

POST /kapacitor/v1/recordings/query
    "query" : "SELECT mean(usage_idle) FROM cpu WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(10m)",
    "type" : "stream"

Create a recording using the query method specifying a batch type.

POST /kapacitor/v1/recording/query
    "query" : "SELECT mean(usage_idle) FROM cpu WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(10m)",
    "type" : "batch"

Create a recording with a custom ID.

POST /kapacitor/v1/recording/query
    "id" : "MY_RECORDING_ID",
    "query" : "SELECT mean(usage_idle) FROM cpu WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(10m)",
    "type" : "batch"


All recordings are assigned an ID which is returned in this format with a link.

    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0"},
    "id" : "e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0",
    "type" : "stream",
    "size" : 0,
    "date" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "error" : "",
    "status" : "running",
    "progress" : 0
201Success, the recording has started.

Wait for Recording

In order to determine when a recording has finished you must make a GET request to the returned link typically something like /kapacitor/v1/recordings/RECORDING_ID.

A recording has these read only properties.

sizeSize of the recording on disk in bytes.
dateDate the recording finished.
errorAny error encountered when creating the recording.
statusOne of recording or finished.
progressNumber between 0 and 1 indicating the approximate progress of the recording.


GET /kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0"},
    "id" : "e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0",
    "type" : "stream",
    "size" : 1980353,
    "date" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "error" : "",
    "status" : "running",
    "progress" : 0.75

Once the recording is complete.

GET /kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0"},
    "id" : "e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0",
    "type" : "stream",
    "size" : 1980353,
    "date" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "error" : "",
    "status" : "finished",
    "progress" : 1

Or if the recording fails.

GET /kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0"},
    "id" : "e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0",
    "type" : "stream",
    "size" : 1980353,
    "date" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "error" : "error message explaining failure",
    "status" : "failed",
    "progress" : 1


200Success, the recording is no longer running.
202Success, the recording exists but is not finished.
404No such recording exists.

Delete Recording

To delete a recording make a DELETE request to the /kapacitor/v1/recordings/RECORDING_ID endpoint.

DELETE /kapacitor/v1/recordings/RECORDING_ID



NOTE: Deleting a non-existent recording is not an error and will return a 204 success.

List Recordings

To list all recordings make a GET request to the /kapacitor/v1/recordings endpoint. Recordings are sorted by date.

Query ParameterDefaultPurpose
patternFilter results based on the pattern. Uses standard shell glob matching, see this for more details.
fieldsList of fields to return. If empty returns all fields. Fields id and link are always returned.
offset0Offset count for paginating through tasks.
limit100Maximum number of tasks to return.


GET /kapacitor/v1/recordings
    "recordings" : [
            "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/recordings/e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0"},
            "id" : "e24db07d-1646-4bb3-a445-828f5049bea0",
            "type" : "stream",
            "size" : 1980353,
            "date" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
            "error" : "",
            "status" : "finished",
            "progress" : 1
            "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/recordings/8a4c06c6-30fb-42f4-ac4a-808aa31278f6"},
            "id" : "8a4c06c6-30fb-42f4-ac4a-808aa31278f6",
            "type" : "batch",
            "size" : 216819562,
            "date" : "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
            "error" : "",
            "status" : "finished",
            "progress" : 1




Replaying a recording

To replay a recording make a POST request to /kapacitor/v1/replays/

idrandomUnique identifier for the replay. If empty a random ID is chosen.
taskID of task.
recordingID of recording.
recording-timefalseIf true, use the times in the recording, otherwise adjust times relative to the current time.
clockfastOne of fast or real. If real wait for real time to pass corresponding with the time in the recordings. If fast replay data without delay. For example, if clock is real then a stream recording of duration 5m will take 5m to replay.


Replay a recording using default parameters.

POST /kapacitor/v1/replays/
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID"

Replay a recording in real-time mode and preserve recording times.

POST /kapacitor/v1/replays/
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
    "clock" : "real",
    "recording-time" : true,

Replay a recording using a custom ID.

POST /kapacitor/v1/replays/
    "id" : "MY_REPLAY_ID",
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID"


The request returns once the replay is started and provides a replay ID and link.

    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c"},
    "id" : "ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c",
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
    "clock" : "fast",
    "recording-time" : false,
    "status" : "running",
    "progress" : 0,
    "error" : ""
201Success, replay has started.

Waiting for a Replay

Like recordings you make a GET request to the /kapacitor/v1/replays/REPLAY_ID endpoint to get the status of the replay.

A replay has these read only properties in addition to the properties listed above.

statusOne of replaying or finished.
progressNumber between 0 and 1 indicating the approximate progress of the replay.
errorAny error that occured while perfoming the replay


Get the status of a replay.

GET /kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c"},
    "id" : "ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c",
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
    "clock" : "fast",
    "recording-time" : false,
    "status" : "running",
    "progress" : 0.57,
    "error" : ""

Once the replay is complete.

GET /kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c"},
    "id" : "ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c",
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
    "clock" : "fast",
    "recording-time" : false,
    "status" : "finished",
    "progress" : 1,
    "error" : ""

Or if the replay fails.

GET /kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c
    "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c"},
    "id" : "ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c",
    "task" : "TASK_ID",
    "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
    "clock" : "fast",
    "recording-time" : false,
    "status" : "failed",
    "progress" : 1,
    "error" : "error message explaining failure"


200Success, replay is no longer running.
202Success, the replay exists but is not finished.
404No such replay exists.

Delete Replay

To delete a replay make a DELETE request to the /kapacitor/v1/replays/REPLAY_ID endpoint.

DELETE /kapacitor/v1/replays/REPLAY_ID



NOTE: Deleting a non-existent replay is not an error and will return a 204 success.

List Replays

You can list replays for a given recording by making a GET request to /kapacitor/v1/replays.

Query ParameterDefaultPurpose
patternFilter results based on the pattern. Uses standard shell glob matching, see this for more details.
fieldsList of fields to return. If empty returns all fields. Fields id and link are always returned.
offset0Offset count for paginating through tasks.
limit100Maximum number of tasks to return.


GET /kapacitor/v1/replays
    "replays" [
            "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/replays/ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c"},
            "id" : "ad95677b-096b-40c8-82a8-912706f41d4c",
            "task" : "TASK_ID",
            "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
            "clock" : "fast",
            "recording-time" : false,
            "status" : "finished",
            "progress" : 1,
            "error" : ""
            "link" : {"rel": "self", "href": "/kapacitor/v1/replays/be33f0a1-0272-4019-8662-c730706dac7d"},
            "id" : "be33f0a1-0272-4019-8662-c730706dac7d",
            "task" : "TASK_ID",
            "recording" : "RECORDING_ID",
            "clock" : "fast",
            "recording-time" : false,
            "status" : "finished",
            "progress" : 1,
            "error" : ""



You can ‘ping’ the Kapacitor server to validate you have a successful connection. A ping request does nothing but respond with a 204.

NOTE: The Kapacitor server version is returned in the X-Kapacitor-Version HTTP header on all requests. Ping is a useful request if you simply need the verify the version of server you are talking to.


GET /kapacitor/v1/ping



Debug Vars

Kapacitor also exposes several statistics and information about its runtime. These can be accessed at the /kapacitor/v1/debug/vars endpoint.


GET /kapacitor/v1/debug/vars

Debug Pprof

Kapacitor also the standard Go net/http/pprof endpoints.

GET /kapacitor/v1/debug/pprof/...

NOTE: Not all of these endpoints return JSON content.


Displays available routes for the API

GET /kapacitor/v1/:routes