This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.
This page aims to ease the transition from Telegraf 1.2 to Telegraf 1.3. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of the differences between the versions. See Telegraf’s Changelog for more details.
Release Notes
Changes to the Windows ping plugin
Users of the windows ping plugin will need to drop or migrate their measurements to continue using the plugin.
The reason for this is that the windows plugin was outputting a different type than the linux plugin.
This made it impossible to use the ping
plugin for both windows and linux machines.
Changes to the Ceph plugin
For the Ceph plugin, the ceph_pgmap_state
metric content has been modified to use a unique field count
, with each state expressed as a state
Telegraf < 1.3:
# field_name value
active+clean 123
active+clean+scrubbing 3
Telegraf >= 1.3:
# field_name value tag
count 123 state=active+clean
count 3 state=active+clean+scrubbing
Rewritten Riemann plugin
The Riemann output plugin has been rewritten
and the previous riemann plugin is incompatible with the new one.
The reasons for this are outlined in issue #1878.
The previous Riemann output will still be available using outputs.riemann_legacy
if needed, but that will eventually be deprecated.
It is highly recommended that all users migrate to the new Riemann output plugin.
New Socket Listener and Socket Writer plugins
Generic Socket Listener and Socket Writer plugins have been implemented for receiving and sending UDP, TCP, unix, & unix-datagram data. These plugins will replace udp_listener and tcp_listener, which are still available but will be deprecated eventually.
New Plugins
Input plugins
- AMQP Consumer
- DMCache
- Interrupts
- Socket Listener (replacement for udp_listener and tcp_listener)
Output plugins
- Elasticsearch
- Riemann (rewritten from Riemann Legacy)
- Socket Writer (replacement for udp_listener and tcp_listener)