Telegraf input data formats

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

Telegraf contains many general purpose plugins that support parsing input data using a configurable parser into metrics. This allows, for example, the kafka_consumer input plugin to process messages in either InfluxDB Line Protocol or in JSON format. Telegraf supports the following input data formats:

Any input plugin containing the data_format option can use it to select the desired parser:

  ## Commands array
  commands = ["/tmp/", "/usr/bin/mycollector --foo=bar"]

  ## measurement name suffix (for separating different commands)
  name_suffix = "_mycollector"

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## more about them here:
  data_format = "json"