JSON input data format

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

The JSON input data format parses a JSON object or an array of objects into Telegraf metric fields.

NOTE: All JSON numbers are converted to float fields. JSON String are ignored unless specified in the tag_key or json_string_fields options.


  files = ["example"]

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## more about them here:
  ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md
  data_format = "json"

  ## Query is a GJSON path that specifies a specific chunk of JSON to be
  ## parsed, if not specified the whole document will be parsed.
  ## GJSON query paths are described here:
  ##   https://github.com/tidwall/gjson#path-syntax
  json_query = ""

  ## Tag keys is an array of keys that should be added as tags.
  tag_keys = [

  ## String fields is an array of keys that should be added as string fields.
  json_string_fields = []

  ## Name key is the key to use as the measurement name.
  json_name_key = ""

  ## Time key is the key containing the time that should be used to create the
  ## metric.
  json_time_key = ""

  ## Time format is the time layout that should be used to interprete the
  ## json_time_key.  The time must be `unix`, `unix_ms` or a time in the
  ## "reference time".
  ##   ex: json_time_format = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006"
  ##       json_time_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
  ##       json_time_format = "unix"
  ##       json_time_format = "unix_ms"
  json_time_format = ""


The json_query is a GJSON path that can be used to limit the portion of the overall JSON document that should be parsed. The result of the query should contain a JSON object or an array of objects.

Consult the GJSON path syntax for details and examples.

json_time_key, json_time_format

By default the current time will be used for all created metrics, to set the time using the JSON document you can use the json_time_key and json_time_format options together to set the time to a value in the parsed document.

The json_time_key option specifies the key containing the time value and json_time_format must be set to unix, unix_ms, or the Go “reference time” which is defined to be the specific time: Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006.

Consult the Go time package for details and additional examples on how to set the time format.


Basic parsing


  files = ["example"]
  name_override = "myjsonmetric"
  data_format = "json"


    "a": 5,
    "b": {
        "c": 6
    "ignored": "I'm a string"


myjsonmetric a=5,b_c=6

Name, tags, and string fields


  files = ["example"]
  name_key = "name"
  tag_keys = ["my_tag_1"]
  string_fields = ["my_field"]
  data_format = "json"


    "a": 5,
    "b": {
        "c": 6,
        "my_field": "description"
    "my_tag_1": "foo",
    "name": "my_json"


my_json,my_tag_1=foo a=5,b_c=6,my_field="description"


If the JSON data is an array, then each object within the array is parsed with the configured settings.


  files = ["example"]
  data_format = "json"
  json_time_key = "b_time"
  json_time_format = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"


        "a": 5,
        "b": {
            "c": 6,
            "time":"04 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
        "a": 7,
        "b": {
            "c": 8,
            "time":"11 Jan 07 15:04 MST"


file a=5,b_c=6 1136387040000000000
file a=7,b_c=8 1168527840000000000


The json_query option can be used to parse a subset of the document.


  files = ["example"]
  data_format = "json"
  tag_keys = ["first"]
  json_string_fields = ["last"]
  json_query = "obj.friends"


    "obj": {
        "name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
        "children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
        "fav.movie": "Deer Hunter",
        "friends": [
            {"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44},
            {"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68},
            {"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47}


file,first=Dale last="Murphy",age=44
file,first=Roger last="Craig",age=68
file,first=Jane last="Murphy",age=47