This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.
Aggregators emit new aggregate metrics based on the metrics collected by the input plugins.
Note: Telegraf plugins added in the current release are noted with
-- NEW in v1.8
. The Release notes and changelog has a list of new plugins and updates for other plugins. See the plugin README files for more details.
Supported Telegraf aggregator plugins
Plugin ID: basicstats
The BasicStats aggregator plugin gives count, max, min, mean, s2(variance), and stdev for a set of values, emitting the aggregate every period seconds.
Plugin ID: histogram
The Histogram aggregator plugin creates histograms containing the counts of field values within a range.
Values added to a bucket are also added to the larger buckets in the distribution. This creates a cumulative histogram.
Like other Telegraf aggregator plugins, the metric is emitted every period seconds. Bucket counts, however, are not reset between periods and will be non-strictly increasing while Telegraf is running.
Plugin ID: minmax
The MinMax aggregator plugin aggregates min and max values of each field it sees, emitting the aggegrate every period seconds.
Plugin ID: valuecounter
The ValueCounter aggregator plugin counts the occurrence of values in fields and emits the counter once every ‘period’ seconds.
A use case for the ValueCounter aggregator plugin is when you are processing a HTTP access log with the Logparser input plugin and want to count the HTTP status codes.
The fields which will be counted must be configured with the fields configuration directive. When no fields are provided, the plugin will not count any fields.
The results are emitted in fields, formatted as originalfieldname_fieldvalue = count
ValueCounter only works on fields of the type int
, bool
, or string
. Float fields are being dropped to prevent the creating of too many fields.