This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.
Telegraf input plugins are used with the InfluxData time series platform to collect metrics from the system, services, or third party APIs. All metrics are gathered from the inputs you enable and configure in the configuration file.
Note: Telegraf plugins added in the current release are noted with
-- NEW in v1.8
. The Release Notes/Changelog has a list of new plugins and updates for other plugins. See the plugin README files for more details.
Usage instructions
View usage instructions for each service input by running telegraf --usage <service-input-name>
Supported Telegraf input plugins
Plugin ID: activemq
The ActiveMQ input plugin gathers queues, topics, and subscriber metrics using the ActiveMQ Console API.
Plugin ID: aerospike
The Aerospike input plugin queries Aerospike servers and gets node statistics and statistics for all configured namespaces.
Amazon CloudWatch Statistics
Plugin ID: cloudwatch
The Amazon CloudWatch Statistics input plugin pulls metric statistics from Amazon CloudWatch.
AMQP Consumer
Plugin ID: amqp_consumer
The AMQP Consumer input plugin provides a consumer for use with AMQP 0-9-1, a prominent implementation of this protocol being RabbitMQ.
Apache HTTP Server
Plugin ID: apache
The Apache HTTP Server input plugin collects server performance information using the mod_status
module of the Apache HTTP Server.
Typically, the mod_status
module is configured to expose a page at the /server-status?auto
location of the Apache server.
The ExtendedStatus option must be enabled in order to collect all available fields.
For information about how to configure your server reference, see the
module documentation.
Apache Kafka Consumer
Plugin ID: kafka_consumer
The Apache Kafka Consumer input plugin polls a specified Kafka topic and adds messages to InfluxDB. Messages are expected in the line protocol format. Consumer Group is used to talk to the Kafka cluster so multiple instances of Telegraf can read from the same topic in parallel.
Apache Solr
Plugin ID: solr
The Apache Solr (solr
) input plugin collects stats using the MBean Request Handler.
Apache Tomcat
Plugin ID: tomcat
The Apache Tomcat input plugin collects statistics available from the Apache Tomcat manager status page (http://<host>/manager/status/all?XML=true
). Using XML=true
returns XML data).
See the Apache Tomcat documentation for details on these statistics.
Plugin ID: aurora
The Aurora input plugin gathers metrics from Apache Aurora schedulers. For monitoring recommendations, see Monitoring your Aurora cluster.
Plugin ID: bcache
The Bcache input plugin gets bcache statistics from the stats_total
directory and dirty_data
Plugin ID: beanstalkd
The Beanstalkd input plugin collects server stats as well as tube stats (reported by stats
and stats-tube
commands respectively).
Plugin ID: bond
The Bond input plugin collects network bond interface status, bond’s slaves interfaces status and failures count of
bond’s slaves interfaces. The plugin collects these metrics from /proc/net/bonding/*
Plugin ID: burrow
The Burrow input plugin) collects Apache Kafka topic, consumer, and partition status using the Burrow HTTP HTTP Endpoint.
Ceph Storage
Plugin ID: ceph
The Ceph Storage input plugin collects performance metrics from the MON and OSD nodes in a Ceph storage cluster.
Plugin ID: cgroup
The CGroup input plugin captures specific statistics per cgroup.
Plugin ID: chrony
The Chrony input plugin gets standard chrony metrics, requires chronyc executable.
Conntrack inputs.conntrack
The Conntrack input plugin collects statistics from Netfilter’s conntrack-tools.
The conntrack-tools provide a mechanism for tracking various aspects of network connections as they are processed by netfilter.
At runtime, conntrack exposes many of those connection statistics within /proc/sys/net
Depending on your kernel version, these files can be found in either /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter
or /proc/sys/net/netfilter
and will be prefixed with either ip_
or nf_
This plugin reads the files specified in its configuration and publishes each one as a field, with the prefix normalized to ip_
Plugin ID: consul
The Consul input plugin will collect statistics about all health checks registered in the Consul. It uses Consul API to query the data. It will not report the telemetry but Consul can report those stats already using StatsD protocol, if needed.
Plugin ID: couchbase
The Couchbase input plugin reads per-node and per-bucket metrics from Couchbase.
Plugin ID: couchdb
The CouchDB input plugin gathers metrics of CouchDB using _stats
Plugin ID: cpu
The CPU input plugin gathers metrics about cpu usage.
Plugin ID: disk
The Disk input plugin gathers metrics about disk usage by mount point.
Plugin ID: diskio
The DiskIO input plugin gathers metrics about disk IO by device.
Plugin ID: disque
The Disque input plugin gathers metrics from one or more Disque servers.
Plugin ID: dmcache
The DMCache input plugin provides a native collection for dmsetup-based statistics for dm-cache.
DNS Query
Plugin ID: dns_query
The DNS Query input plugin gathers DNS query times in milliseconds - like Dig.
Plugin ID: docker
The Docker input plugin uses the Docker Engine API to gather metrics on running Docker containers. The Docker plugin uses the Official Docker Client to gather stats from the Engine API library documentation.
Plugin ID: dovecot
The Dovecot input plugin uses the dovecot Stats protocol to gather metrics on configured domains. For more information, see the Dovecot documentation.
Plugin ID: elasticsearch
The Elasticsearch input plugin queries endpoints to obtain node and optionally cluster-health or cluster-stats metrics.
Plugin ID: exec
The Exec input plugin parses supported Telegraf input data formats (InfluxDB Line Protocol, JSON, Graphite, Value, Nagios, Collectd, and Dropwizard into metrics. Each Telegraf metric includes the measurement name, tags, fields, and timesamp.
Plugin ID: fail2ban
The Fail2ban input plugin gathers the count of failed and banned ip addresses using fail2ban.
Plugin ID: fibaro
The Fibaro input plugin makes HTTP calls to the Fibaro controller API to gather values of hooked devices. Those values could be true (1
) or false (0
) for switches, percentage for dimmers, temperature, etc.
Plugin ID: file
The File input plugin updates a list of files every interval and parses the contents using the selected input data format.
Files will always be read in their entirety, if you wish to tail/follow a file use the tail input plugin instead.
Plugin ID: filecount
The Filecount input plugin counts files in directories that match certain criteria.
Plugin ID: filestat
The Filestat input plugin gathers metrics about file existence, size, and other stats.
Plugin ID: fluentd
The Fluentd input plugin gathers metrics from plugin endpoint provided by in_monitor plugin. This plugin understands
data provided by /api/plugin.json
resource (/api/config.json
is not covered).
Plugin ID: graylog
The Graylog input plugin can collect data from remote Graylog service URLs. This plugin currently supports two types of endpoints:
- multiple (e.g.,
) - namespace (e.g.,
Plugin ID: haproxy
The HAproxy input plugin gathers metrics directly from any running HAproxy instance. It can do so by using CSV generated by HAproxy status page or from admin sockets.
Plugin ID: hddtemp
The Hddtemp input plugin reads data from hddtemp
Plugin ID: http
The HTTP input plugin collects metrics from one or more HTTP (or HTTPS) endpoints. The endpoint should have metrics formatted in one of the supported input data formats. Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options which can be added to the input configuration.
HTTP Listener
Plugin ID: http_listener
The HTTP Listener input plugin listens for messages sent via HTTP POST. Messages are expected in the InfluxDB
Line Protocol input data format ONLY (other Telegraf input data formats are not supported).
This plugin allows Telegraf to serve as a proxy or router for the /write
endpoint of the InfluxDB HTTP API.
HTTP Response
Plugin ID: http_response
The HTTP Response input plugin gathers metrics for HTTP responses. The measurements and fields include response_time
, http_response_code
, and result_type
. Tags for measurements include server
and method
Plugin ID: icinga2
The Icinga2 input plugin gather status on running services and hosts using the Icinga2 Remote API.
InfluxDB v1.x
Plugin ID: influxdb
The InfluxDB v1.x input plugin gathers metrics from the exposed InfluxDB v1.x /debug/vars
endpoint. Using Telegraf to extract these metrics to create a “monitor of monitors” is a best practice and allows you to reduce the overhead associated with
capturing and storing these metrics locally within the _internal
database for production deployments.
Read more about this approach here.
Plugin ID: interrupts
The Interrupts input plugin gathers metrics about IRQs, including interrupts
(from /proc/interrupts
) and soft_interrupts
(from /proc/softirqs
IPMI Sensor
Plugin ID: ipmi_sensor
The IPMI Sensor input plugin queries the local machine or remote host sensor statistics using the ipmitool
Plugin ID: ipset
The Ipset input plugin gathers packets and bytes counters from Linux ipset
. It uses the output of the command ipset save
. Ipsets created without the counters
option are ignored.
Plugin ID: iptables
The IPtables input plugin gathers packets and bytes counters for rules within a set of table and chain from the Linux’s iptables firewall.
Jolokia2 Agent
Plugin ID: jolokia2_agent
The Jolokia2 Agent input plugin reads JMX metrics from one or more Jolokia agent REST endpoints using the JSON-over-HTTP protocol.
Jolokia2 Proxy
Plugin ID: jolokia2_proxy
The Jolokia2 Proxy input plugin reads JMX metrics from one or more targets by interacting with a Jolokia proxy REST endpoint using the Jolokia JSON-over-HTTP protocol.
JTI OpenConfig Telemetry
Plugin ID: jti_openconfig_telemetry
The JTI OpenConfig Telemetry input plugin reads Juniper Networks implementation of OpenConfig telemetry data from listed sensors using the Junos Telemetry Interface. Refer to for more details about OpenConfig and Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI).
Plugin ID: kapacitor
The Kapacitor input plugin will collect metrics from the given Kapacitor instances.
Plugin ID: kernel
The Kernel input plugin gathers kernel statistics from /proc/stat
Kernel VMStat
Plugin ID: kernel_vmstat
The Kernel VMStat input plugin gathers kernel statistics from /proc/vmstat
Plugin ID: kibana
The Kibana input plugin queries the Kibana status API to obtain the health status of Kibana and some useful metrics.
Plugin ID: kubernetes
Note: The Kubernetes input plugin is experimental and may cause high cardinality issues with moderate to large Kubernetes deployments.
The Kubernetes input plugin talks to the kubelet API using the /stats/summary
endpoint to gather metrics about the running pods
and containers for a single host. It is assumed that this plugin is running as part of a daemonset within a
Kubernetes installation. This means that Telegraf is running on every node within the cluster. Therefore, you
should configure this plugin to talk to its locally running kubelet.
Plugin ID: leofs
The LeoFS input plugin gathers metrics of LeoGateway, LeoManager, and LeoStorage using SNMP. See System monitoring in the LeoFS documentation for more information.
Linux Sysctl FS
Plugin ID: linux_sysctl_fs
The Linux Sysctl FS input plugin provides Linux system level file (sysctl fs
) metrics. The documentation on these fields can be found at
Plugin ID: logparser
The Logparser input plugin streams and parses the given log files. Currently, it has the capability of parsing “grok” patterns from log files, which also supports regular expression (regex) patterns.
Plugin ID: lustre2
Lustre Jobstats allows for RPCs to be tagged with a value, such as a job’s ID. This allows for per job statistics.
The Lustre2 input plugin collects statistics and tags the data with the jobid
Plugin ID: mailchimp
The Mailchimp input plugin gathers metrics from the /3.0/reports
MailChimp API.
Plugin ID: mcrouter
The Mcrouter input plugin gathers statistics data from a mcrouter instance. Mcrouter is a memcached protocol router, developed and maintained by Facebook, for scaling memcached ( deployments. It’s a core component of cache infrastructure at Facebook and Instagram where mcrouter handles almost 5 billion requests per second at peak.
Plugin ID: mem
The Mem input plugin collects system memory metrics. For a more complete explanation of the difference between used and actual_used RAM, see Linux ate my ram.
Plugin ID: memcached
The Memcached input plugin gathers statistics data from a Memcached server.
Plugin ID: mesos
The Mesos input plugin gathers metrics from Mesos. For more information, please check the Mesos Observability Metrics page.
Mesosphere DC/OS
Plugin ID: dcos
The Mesosphere DC/OS input plugin gathers metrics from a DC/OS cluster’s metrics component.
Microsoft SQL Server
Plugin ID: sqlserver
The Microsoft SQL Server input plugin provides metrics for your Microsoft SQL Server instance. It currently works with SQL Server versions 2008+. Recorded metrics are lightweight and use Dynamic Management Views supplied by SQL Server.
Plugin ID: minecraft
The Minecraft input plugin uses the RCON protocol to collect statistics from a scoreboard on a Minecraft server.
Plugin ID: mongodb
The MongoDB input plugin collects MongoDB stats exposed by serverStatus
and few more and create a single
measurement containing values.
MQTT Consumer
Plugin ID: mqtt_consumer
The MQTT Consumer input plugin reads from specified MQTT topics and adds messages to InfluxDB. Messages are in the Telegraf input data formats.
Plugin ID: mysql
The MySQL input plugin gathers the statistics data from MySQL servers.
NATS Consumer
Plugin ID: nats_consumer
The NATS Consumer input plugin reads from specified NATS subjects and adds messages to InfluxDB. Messages are expected in the Telegraf input data formats. A Queue Group is used when subscribing to subjects so multiple instances of Telegraf can read from a NATS cluster in parallel.
NATS Server Monitoring
Plugin ID: nats
The NATS Server Monitoring input plugin gathers metrics when using the NATS Server monitoring server.
Plugin ID: net
The Net input plugin gathers metrics about network interface usage (Linux only).
Plugin ID: netstat
The Netstat input plugin gathers TCP metrics such as established, time-wait and sockets counts by using lsof
Network Response
Plugin ID: net_response
The Network Response input plugin tests UDP and TCP connection response time. It can also check response text.
Plugin ID: nginx
The NGINX input plugin reads NGINX basic status information (ngx_http_stub_status_module
Plugin ID: nginx_plus
The NGINX Plus input plugin is for NGINX Plus, the commercial version of the open source web server NGINX. To use this plugin you will need a license. For more information, see What’s the Difference between Open Source NGINX and NGINX Plus?.
Structures for NGINX Plus have been built based on history of status module documentation.
Plugin ID: nsq
The NSQ input plugin …
NSQ Consumer
Plugin ID: nsq_consumer
The NSQ Consumer input plugin polls a specified NSQD topic and adds messages to InfluxDB. This plugin allows a message to be in any of the supported data_format types.
Plugin ID: nstat
The Nstat input plugin collects network metrics from /proc/net/netstat
, /proc/net/snmp
, and /proc/net/snmp6
Plugin ID: ntpq
The NTPq input plugin gets standard NTP query metrics, requires ntpq executable.
Plugin ID: nvidia-smi
The NVIDIA SMI input plugin uses a query on the NVIDIA System Management Interface (nvidia-smi
) binary to pull GPU stats including memory and GPU usage, temp and other.
Plugin ID: openldap
The OpenLDAP input plugin gathers metrics from OpenLDAP’s cn=Monitor
Plugin ID: opensmtpd
The OpenSMTPD input plugin gathers stats from OpenSMTPD, a free implementation of the server-side SMTP protocol.
Plugin ID: pf
The PF input plugin gathers information from the FreeBSD/OpenBSD pf firewall. Currently it can retrive information about
the state table: the number of current entries in the table, and counters for the number of searches, inserts, and
removals to the table. The pf plugin retrieves this information by invoking the pfstat
Plugin ID: pgbouncer
The PgBouncer input plugin provides metrics for your PgBouncer load balancer. For information about the metrics, see the PgBouncer documentation.
Phfusion Passenger
Plugin ID: passenger
The Phfusion 0Passenger input plugin gets Phusion Passenger statistics using their command line utility passenger-status
Plugin ID: phpfpm
The PHP FPM input plugin gets phpfpm statistics using either HTTP status page or fpm socket.
Plugin ID: ping
The Ping input plugin measures the round-trip for ping commands, response time, and other packet statistics.
Plugin ID: postfix
The Postfix input plugin reports metrics on the postfix queues. For each of the active, hold, incoming, maildrop, and deferred queues, it will report the queue length (number of items), size (bytes used by items), and age (age of oldest item in seconds).
Plugin ID: postgresql
The PostgreSQL input plugin provides metrics for your PostgreSQL database. It currently works with PostgreSQL versions 8.1+.
It uses data from the built in pg_stat_database
and pg_stat_bgwriter
views. The metrics recorded depend on your
version of postgres.
PostgreSQL Extensible
Plugin ID: postgresql_extensible
This PostgreSQL Extensible input plugin provides metrics for your Postgres database. It has been designed to parse SQL queries in the plugin section of telegraf.conf
Plugin ID: powerdns
The PowerDNS input plugin gathers metrics about PowerDNS using UNIX sockets.
Plugin ID: processes
The Processes input plugin
gathers info about the total number of processes and groups them by status (zombie, sleeping, running, etc.). On Linux, this plugin requires access to procfs
); on other operating systems, it requires access to execute ps
Plugin ID: procstat
The Procstat input plugin can be used to monitor system resource usage by an individual process using their /proc
Processes can be specified either by pid
file, by executable name, by command line pattern matching, by username,
by systemd unit name, or by cgroup name/path (in this order or priority). This plugin uses pgrep
when an executable
name is provided to obtain the pid
. The Procstat plugin transmits IO, memory, cpu, file descriptor-related
measurements for every process specified. A prefix can be set to isolate individual process specific measurements.
The Procstat input plugin will tag processes according to how they are specified in the configuration. If a pid file is used, a “pidfile” tag will be generated. On the other hand, if an executable is used an “exe” tag will be generated.
Prometheus Format
Plugin ID: prometheus
The Prometheus Format input plugin input plugin gathers metrics from HTTP servers exposing metrics in Prometheus format.
Puppet Agent
Plugin ID: puppetagent
The Puppet Agent input plugin collects variables outputted from the last_run_summary.yaml
file usually
located in /var/lib/puppet/state/
Puppet Agent Runs. For more information, see Puppet Monitoring: How to Monitor the Success or Failure of Puppet Runs
Plugin ID: rabbitmq
The RabbitMQ input plugin reads metrics from RabbitMQ servers via the Management Plugin.
Raindrops Middleware
Plugin ID: raindrops
The Raindrops Middleware input plugin reads from the specified Raindrops middleware URI and adds the statistics to InfluxDB.
Plugin ID: redis
The Redis input plugin gathers the results of the INFO Redis command. There are two separate measurements: redis
and redis_keyspace
, the latter is used for gathering database-related statistics.
Additionally the plugin also calculates the hit/miss ratio (keyspace_hitrate
) and the elapsed time since the last RDB save (rdb_last_save_time_elapsed
Plugin ID: rethinkdb
The RethinkDB input plugin works with RethinkDB 2.3.5+ databases that requires username, password authorization, and Handshake protocol v1.0.
Plugin ID: riak
The Riak input plugin gathers metrics from one or more Riak instances.
Plugin ID: salesforce
The Salesforce input plugin gathers metrics about the limits in your Salesforce organization and the remaining usage. It fetches its data from the limits endpoint of the Salesforce REST API.
Plugin ID: sensors
The Sensors input plugin collects collects sensor metrics with the sensors executable from the lm-sensor
Plugin ID: smart
The SMART input plugin gets metrics using the command line utility smartctl
for SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis
and Reporting Technology) storage devices. SMART is a monitoring system included in computer hard disk drives (HDDs)
and solid-state drives (SSDs), which include most modern ATA/SATA, SCSI/SAS and NVMe disks. The plugin detects and
reports on various indicators of drive reliability, with the intent of enabling the anticipation of hardware failures.
See smartmontools.
Plugin ID: snmp
The SNMP input plugin gathers metrics from SNMP agents.
Socket Listener
Plugin ID: socket_listener
The Socket Listener input plugin listens for messages from streaming (tcp, unix) or datagram (UDP, unixgram) protocols. Messages are expected in the Telegraf Input Data Formats.
Plugin ID: statsd
The StatsD input plugin is a special type of plugin which runs a backgrounded statsd
listener service while Telegraf is running.
StatsD messages are formatted as described in the original etsy statsd implementation.
Plugin ID: swap
The Swap input plugin gathers metrics about swap memory usage. For more information about Linux swap spaces, see All about Linux swap space
Plugin ID: syslog
The Syslog input plugin listens for syslog messages transmitted over UDP or TCP. Syslog messages should be formatted according to RFC 5424.
Plugin ID: sysstat
The Sysstat input plugin collects sysstat system metrics with the sysstat
collector utility sadc
and parses the created binary data file with the sadf
Plugin ID: system
The System input plugin gathers general stats on system load, uptime, and number of users logged in. It is basically equivalent to the UNIX uptime
Plugin ID: tail
The Tail input plugin “tails” a log file and parses each log message.
Teamspeak 3
Plugin ID: teamspeak
The Teamspeak 3 input plugin uses the Teamspeak 3 ServerQuery interface of the Teamspeak server to collect statistics of one or more virtual servers.
Telegraf v1.x
Plugin ID: internal
The Telegraf v1.x input plugin collects metrics about the Telegraf v1.x agent itself. Note that some metrics are aggregates across all instances of one type of plugin.
Plugin ID: temp
The Temp input plugin collects temperature data from sensors.
Tengine Web Server
Plugin ID: tengine
The Tengine Web Server input plugin gathers status metrics from the Tengine Web Server using the Reqstat module.
Plugin ID: trig
The Trig input plugin inserts sine and cosine waves for demonstration purposes.
Plugin ID: twemproxy
The Twemproxy input plugin gathers data from Twemproxy instances, processes Twemproxy server statistics, processes pool data. and processes backend server (Redis/Memcached) statistics.
Plugin ID: unbound
The Unbound input plugin gathers stats from Unbound, a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.
Plugin ID: varnish
The Varnish input plugin gathers stats from Varnish HTTP Cache.
VMware vSphere
Plugin ID: vsphere
The VMware vSphere input plugin uses the vSphere API to gather metrics from multiple vCenter servers (clusters, hosts, VMs, and data stores). For more information on the available performance metrics, see Common vSphere Performance Metrics.
Plugin ID: webhooks
The Webhooks input plugin starts an HTTPS server and registers multiple webhook listeners.
Available webhooks
Add new webhooks
If you need a webhook that is not supported, consider adding a new webhook.
Windows Performance Counters
Plugin ID: win_perf_counters
The way the Windows Performance Counters input plugin works is that on load of Telegraf, the plugin will be handed configuration
from Telegraf.
This configuration is parsed and then tested for validity such as if the Object, Instance and Counter existing.
If it does not match at startup, it will not be fetched.
Exceptions to this are in cases where you query for all instances ""
By default the plugin does not return _Total
when it is querying for all () as this is redundant.
Windows Services
Plugin ID: win_services
The Windows Services input plugin reports Windows services info.
X.509 Certificate
Plugin ID: x509_cert
The X.509 Certificate input plugin provides information about X.509 certificate accessible using the local file or network connection.
Plugin ID: zfs
The ZFS input plugin provides metrics from your ZFS filesystems. It supports ZFS on Linux and FreeBSD.
It gets ZFS statistics from /proc/spl/kstat/zfs
on Linux and from sysctl
and zpool
on FreeBSD.
Plugin ID: zipkin
The Zipkin input plugin implements the Zipkin HTTP server to gather trace and timing data needed to troubleshoot latency problems in microservice architectures.
Note: This plugin is experimental. Its data schema may be subject to change based on its main usage cases and the evolution of the OpenTracing standard.
Plugin ID: zookeeper
The Zookeeper (zookeeper
) input plugin collects variables output from the mntr
command Zookeeper Admin.
Deprecated Telegraf input plugins
Plugin ID: cassandra
DEPRECATED as of version 1.7. The Cassandra input plugin collects Cassandra 3 / JVM metrics exposed as MBean attributes through the jolokia REST endpoint. All metrics are collected for each server configured.
Plugin ID: httpjson
DEPRECATED as of version 1.6; use the HTTP input plugin.
The HTTP JSON input plugin collects data from HTTP URLs which respond with JSON. It flattens the JSON and finds all numeric values, treating them as floats.
Plugin ID: jolokia
DEPRECATED as of version 1.5; use the Jolokia2 input plugin.
SNMP Legacy
Plugin ID: snmp_legacy
The SNMP Legacy input plugin is DEPRECATED. Use the SNMP input plugin.
The SNMP Legacy input plugin gathers metrics from SNMP agents.
TCP Listener
Plugin ID: tcp_listener
The TCP Listener input plugin is DEPRECATED as of version 1.3; use the Socket Listener input plugin.
UDP Listener
Plugin ID: udp_listener
DEPRECATED as of version 1.3; use the Socket Listener input plugin.