This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.
Telegraf allows users to specify multiple output sinks in the configuration file.
Supported Telegraf output plugins
Amazon CloudWatch
Plugin ID: cloudwatch
The Amazon CloudWatch output plugin send metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.
Amazon Kinesis
Plugin ID: kinesis
The Amazon Kinesis output plugin is an experimental plugin that is still in the early stages of development. It will batch up all of the Points in one Put request to Kinesis. This should save the number of API requests by a considerable level.
Plugin ID: amon
The Amon output plugin writes metrics to an Amon server. For details on the Amon Agent, see Monitoring Agent and requires a apikey
and amoninstance
If the point value being sent cannot be converted to a float64 value, the metric is skipped.
Metrics are grouped by converting any _
characters to .
in the Point Name.
Plugin ID: amqp
The AMQP output plugin writes to a AMQP 0-9-1 Exchange, a prominent implementation of this protocol being RabbitMQ.
Metrics are written to a topic exchange using tag
, defined in configuration file as RoutingTag
, as a routing key.
Apache Kafka
Plugin ID: kafka
The Apache Kafka output plugin writes to a Kafka Broker acting a Kafka Producer.
Plugin ID: cratedb
The CrateDB output plugin writes to CrateDB using its PostgreSQL protocol.
Plugin ID: datadog
The Datadog output plugin writes to the Datadog Metrics API and requires an apikey
which can be obtained here for the account.
Plugin ID: discard
The Discard output plugin simply drops all metrics that are sent to it. It is only meant to be used for testing purposes.
Plugin ID: elasticsearch
The Elasticsearch output plugin writes to Elasticsearch via HTTP using Elastic. Currently it only supports Elasticsearch 5.x series.
Plugin ID: file
The File output plugin writes Telegraf metrics to files.
Plugin ID: graphite
The Graphite output plugin writes to Graphite via raw TCP.
Plugin ID: graylog
The Graylog output plugin writes to a Graylog instance using the gelf
Plugin ID: http
The HTTP output plugin sends metrics in a HTTP message encoded using one of the output data formats. For data_formats
that support batching, metrics are sent in batch format.
InfluxDB v1.x
Plugin ID: influxdb
The InfluxDB v1.x output plugin writes to InfluxDB using HTTP or UDP.
InfluxDB v2
Plugin ID: influxdb_v2
The InfluxDB v2 output plugin writes metrics to the InfluxDB 2.0 HTTP service.
Plugin ID: instrumental
The Instrumental output plugin writes to the Instrumental Collector API and requires a Project-specific API token.
Instrumental accepts stats in a format very close to Graphite, with the only difference being that the type of stat (gauge, increment) is the first token, separated from the metric itself by whitespace. The increment type is only used if the metric comes in as a counter through [[input.statsd]].
Plugin ID: librato
The Librato output plugin writes to the Librato Metrics API and requires an api_user
and api_token
which can be obtained here for the account.
Microsoft Azure Application Insights
Plugin ID: application_insights
The Microsoft Azure Application Insights output plugin writes Telegraf metrics to Application Insights (Microsoft Azure).
Microsoft Azure Monitor
Plugin ID: azure_monitor
Note: The Azure Monitor custom metrics service is currently in preview and not available in a subset of Azure regions.
The Microsoft Azure Monitor output plugin sends custom metrics to Microsoft Azure Monitor. Azure Monitor has a metric resolution of one minute. To handle this in Telegraf, the Azure Monitor output plugin automatically aggregates metrics into one minute buckets, which are then sent to Azure Monitor on every flush interval.
For a Microsoft blog posting on using Telegraf with Microsoft Azure Monitor, see Collect custom metrics for a Linux VM with the InfluxData Telegraf Agent.
The metrics from each input plugin will be written to a separate Azure Monitor namespace, prefixed with Telegraf/
by default. The field name for each metric is written as the Azure Monitor metric name. All field values are written as a summarized set that includes min
, max
, sum
, and count
. Tags are written as a dimension on each Azure Monitor metric.
MQTT Producer
Plugin ID: mqtt
The MQTT Producer output plugin writes to the MQTT server using supported output data formats.
NATS Output
Plugin ID: nats
The NATS Output output plugin writes to a (list of) specified NATS instance(s).
Plugin ID: nsq
The NSQ output plugin writes to a specified NSQD instance, usually local to the producer. It requires a server name and a topic name.
Plugin ID: opentsdb
The OpenTSDB output plugin writes to an OpenTSDB instance using either the telnet or HTTP mode.
Using the HTTP API is the recommended way of writing metrics since OpenTSDB 2.0 To use HTTP mode, set useHttp
to true in config. You can also control how many metrics are sent in each HTTP request by setting batchSize
in config. See for details.
Prometheus Client
Plugin ID: prometheus_client
The Prometheus Client output plugin starts a Prometheus Client, it exposes all metrics on /metrics
(default) to be polled by a Prometheus server.
Plugin ID: riemann
The Riemann output plugin writes to Riemann using TCP or UDP.
Socket Writer
Plugin ID: socket_writer
The Socket Writer output plugin writes to a UDP, TCP, or UNIX socket. It can output data in any of the supported output formats.
Plugin ID: wavefront
The Wavefront output plugin writes to a Wavefront proxy, in Wavefront data format over TCP.
Deprecated Telegraf output plugins
Riemann Legacy
Plugin ID: riemann_legacy
The Riemann Legacy output plugin will be deprecated in a future release, see for more details & discussion.