Telegraf processor plugins

This is archived documentation for InfluxData product versions that are no longer maintained. For newer documentation, see the latest InfluxData documentation.

Processor plugins process metrics as they pass through and immediately emit results based on the values they process.

Note: Telegraf plugins added in the current release are noted with -- NEW in v1.8. The Release Notes/Changelog has a list of new plugins and updates for other plugins. See the plugin README files for more details.

Supported Telegraf processor plugins


Plugin ID: converter

The Converter processor plugin is used to change the type of tag or field values. In addition to changing field types, it can convert between fields and tags. Values that cannot be converted are dropped.


Plugin ID: enum

The Enum processor plugin allows the configuration of value mappings for metric fields. The main use case for this is to rewrite status codes such as red, amber, and green by numeric values such as 0, 1, 2. The plugin supports string and bool types for the field values. Multiple Fields can be configured with separate value mappings for each field. Default mapping values can be configured to be used for all values, which are not contained in the value_mappings. The processor supports explicit configuration of a destination field. By default the source field is overwritten.


Plugin ID: override

The Override processor plugin allows overriding all modifications that are supported by input plugins and aggregator plugins:

  • name_override
  • name_prefix
  • name_suffix
  • tags

All metrics passing through this processor will be modified accordingly. Select the metrics to modify using the standard measurement filtering options.

Values of name_override, name_prefix, name_suffix, and already present tags with conflicting keys will be overwritten. Absent tags will be created.

Use case of this plugin encompass ensuring certain tags or naming conventions are adhered to irrespective of input plugin configurations, e.g., by taginclude.


Plugin ID: parser

The Parser processor plugin parses defined fields containing the specified data format and creates new metrics based on the contents of the field.


Plugin ID: printer

The Printer processor plugin simply prints every metric passing through it.


Plugin ID: regex

The Regex processor plugin transforms – NEW in v.1.8 tag and field values using a regular expression (regex) pattern. If result_keyparameter is present, it can produce new tags and fields from existing ones.


Plugin ID: rename

The Rename processor plugin renames InfluxDB measurements, fields, and tags.


Plugin ID: strings

The Strings processor plugin maps certain Go string functions onto InfluxDB measurement, tag, and field values. Values can be modified in place or stored in another key.

Implemented functions are:

  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • trim
  • trim_left
  • trim_right
  • trim_prefix
  • trim_suffix

Note that in this implementation these are processed in the order that they appear above. You can specify the measurement, tag or field that you want processed in each section and optionally a dest if you want the result stored in a new tag or field. You can specify lots of transformations on data with a single strings processor.


Plugin ID: topk

The TopK processor plugin is a filter designed to get the top series over a period of time. It can be tweaked to do its top K computation over a period of time, so spikes can be smoothed out.

This processor goes through the following steps when processing a batch of metrics:

  1. Groups metrics in buckets using their tags and name as key.
  2. Aggregates each of the selected fields for each bucket by the selected aggregation function (sum, mean, etc.).
  3. Orders the buckets by one of the generated aggregations, returns all metrics in the top K buckets, then reorders the buckets by the next of the generated aggregations, returns all metrics in the top K buckets, etc, etc, etc, until it runs out of fields.

The plugin makes sure not to duplicate metrics.

Note that depending on the amount of metrics on each computed bucket, more than K metrics may be returned.